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I began writing the first Kingdoms Parvery entry in early 2019 and have worked and reworked this book many times. The main plot of the Bardeves family came to me on a sleepless night and by early morning I had the beginning of a novel. As I began to plan out the chapters and write characters’ bios in my notebook a much larger plot over several books came clear to me. Though initially, I was sure the story arch I was creating would only be a trilogy as I carried on mapping books two and three, further plot threads appeared and the number of books grew again.


In addition to writing extensive notes in my multiple notebooks, I also did drawings. I sketched out a map, planned out the castle’s layouts and drew other important structures and places. I should say I am no artist, and the drawings were merely to lend detail to my descriptions. However, they did become the foundation for the artwork displayed both on this site and in the book. Personally, I associate fantasy novels with beautiful artwork and very much wanted to include art in the book. This is what prompted me to work with my illustrator Ginevra Giammatteo and I am very proud of the art we created together. 

The character of Mercy, who is probably my favourite character, didn’t come into my writing until much later. His whole story arch was unplanned, it was while working on the third or fourth draft of the book that the need for his character became clear to me. From that first moment writing, Mercy has been such a fun challenge since he isn’t the type of character, I normally enjoy writing. I am glad I rose to the challenge and created him and his comrades. I hope you enjoy his character and all the others too, but I won’t say anything more here. If you are curious about Mercy and my book, then read the chapter preview.

Book Two

I started book two in 2020, while the early draft version of book one was with my editor. This book takes a darker tone than book one. The trouble in Parvery was just beginning in book one and though there is much less direct conflict in this book it is the calm before the storm. As the cover suggests the book takes a nautical turn as we explore the kingdom of Pidar, the boat builders. You will be reading more about your favourite characters but some new characters are also going to be brought to your attention including a greater look at the other kings of Parvery. Think you can guess who the traitor is? Let me know 

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